violin playing

Fun and Effective Violin Practise Routine for Beginners


Starting to learn the violin is like going on a thrilling musical adventure. But like any journey, it needs planning. If you're new to the violin, making a practice plan is super important. Let's dive into a cool plan that'll lead you through your violin journey, which is full of fun and learning!Begin with Warm-UpsBefore you begin playing your violin, it's crucial to prepare your body and instrument for a successful practise session. Start by focusing on your body position: sit or stand comfortably with your back straight and shoulders relaxed. Position the violin securely under your chin, ensuring it feels [...]

Fun and Effective Violin Practise Routine for Beginners2024-04-08T20:20:49+01:00

The Most Influential Violinists of All Time: A Journey Through Melodies and Time


The violin, a symbol of classical elegance and fervent passion, stands as one of the most iconic instruments in musical history. Its legacy is enshrined not just in the music it has produced, but also in the hands of the maestros who've played it. These individuals have not only showcased the versatility of the instrument but have also shaped the very essence of music over the centuries. This instrument, with its rich, sweeping sounds and intricate melodies, has been at the forefront of musical revolutions. The violin's history and its masters offer a compelling story of innovation, resilience, and unending quest [...]

The Most Influential Violinists of All Time: A Journey Through Melodies and Time2023-10-06T11:19:42+01:00

The Benefits of Learning to Play the Violin


The violin is a captivating instrument that has resonated with audiences for centuries. With its rich history and cultural significance, the violin has been a source of inspiration for musicians and listeners alike. However, the violin is more than just an instrument for creating beautiful music; learning to play it offers a plethora of benefits that can enhance various aspects of a person's life. In this article, we will delve into the cognitive, physical, emotional, and social benefits of learning to play the violin, as well as how it can contribute to lifelong learning and personal growth. Cognitive Benefits When you [...]

The Benefits of Learning to Play the Violin2023-07-17T17:15:23+01:00


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