We completely understand the fears and concerns of adults who are new to violin playing because we focus on teaching adults.

Everyone is able to learn, but most adults sadly believe that they are not talented enough. Most of the time, this belief stems from their childhood.

All men and women can excel at violin playing if they are taught the proper techniques and dedicate enough time to personal practise.

Unfortunately, fear and embarrassment all too often get in the way of violin enthusiasts and prevent them from making their dream come true.

As a result, we created the no-fear intro lesson concept…

For the reasons stated above, London Violin Institute provides a unique opportunity to self conscious and concerned adults by providing a “No Fear Introductory Lesson.”

You can learn how to play the violin with an exceptionally welcoming and understanding violin teacher who will not judge or criticize you.

There is no reason to be embarrassed or feel that you are not good enough.

You should definitely take the first step if you want to learn how to play the violin, because becoming a brilliant violinist is primarily about learning the proper techniques!

You do not need any special talent or prior musical knowledge to attend our “No Fear Introductory Lesson.”

“Always keep in mind that ANYONE can learn how to play the violin!” The important thing is to try it and get proper violin education. Don’t let anyone convince you that you cannot play! No one should have that right! It is NOW time to release your inner voice and show the world what you are capable of! It may take some time to learn, but you will be able to play beautifully in no time!” – Stefan Joubert Manager of London Violin Institute

If you book this first lesson, it is because you have had no prior training. As a result, your teacher will not expect you to play well just yet.

On the contrary, if you could play as well as Maxim Vengerov, you wouldn’t need to take this introductory lesson!

You will not be required to play any piece during your first lesson. Your teacher will begin the class by showing you the correct posture and how the instrument works.

You will quickly realize that it is not difficult and that all it takes is practice and excellent professional guidance, which we will gladly provide!

There is no reason to be shy or ashamed once more. Our highly qualified teachers are only here to encourage you and assist you in improving your skills.

Because our “No-Fear Introductory Lesson” is an introduction to violin playing, you will not be expected to play like Yehudi Menuhin by the end of your first lesson.

We will demonstrate that you can play beautifully and that you are not the untalented individual you may believe you are due to discouraging comments you may have heard in the past.

If you want to learn how to play the violin, you should not be afraid to give it a shot!

It would be a shame not to achieve your dreams because of false and unfounded assumptions!

To book your first “No-Fear Introductory Lesson” and discover the wonderful world of violin playing, contact us at enrol@londonviolininstitute.co.uk

He will gladly provide you with all pertinent information.

We are excited to meet you!