Learning violin

Back to Basics with Your Violin Playing


As an intermediate or advanced violinist, it's easy to become captivated by learning new pieces and techniques. However, it's essential to remember that going back to basics with your violin playing is key to continued growth and improvement. In this article, we'll explore the significance of revisiting the fundamentals of violin playing, even for accomplished musicians. Why Go Back to the Basics? Lays the Groundwork Revisiting the basics helps solidify the foundational skills you learned when you first started playing the violin. These fundamental skills create a robust base for all advanced techniques. Ensuring these basics are well-ingrained provides a stable [...]

Back to Basics with Your Violin Playing2024-07-23T18:13:06+01:00

Beginner’s Guide to Holding the Violin Bow Correctly


The violin is among the most enchanting and highly valued musical instruments globally. It is well-known for its exceptional capability to capture and convey a broad spectrum of emotions with its strings, boasting a notable presence in classical and modern music scenes. Beginning the journey of violin playing is a gratifying venture that opens doors to a world filled with musical expression and artistic creativity. For aspiring violinists, the journey begins with mastering the basics, from reading sheet music to understanding the instrument's anatomy. However, one of the most crucial skills to learn early on is holding the violin bow correctly. [...]

Beginner’s Guide to Holding the Violin Bow Correctly2024-03-06T18:12:14+00:00

The Importance of Practising Violin Technical Exercises: Unlocking Your Musical Potential


In the world of music, the violin stands as a paragon of versatility and challenge. Its melodic charm and sonorous notes have been spellbinding audiences for centuries. Yet behind these enchanting melodies lie hours of relentless practice, especially on technical exercises that form the backbone of virtuoso performances. This article explores why practising violin technical exercises is not just important, but crucial for a musician's growth and overall musical development. Developing Correct Technique The first building block of proficient violin playing lies in mastering the correct technique. Proper posture and hand positioning are the bedrocks upon which the grand edifice of [...]

The Importance of Practising Violin Technical Exercises: Unlocking Your Musical Potential2023-07-17T17:17:48+01:00

The Benefits of Learning to Play the Violin


The violin is a captivating instrument that has resonated with audiences for centuries. With its rich history and cultural significance, the violin has been a source of inspiration for musicians and listeners alike. However, the violin is more than just an instrument for creating beautiful music; learning to play it offers a plethora of benefits that can enhance various aspects of a person's life. In this article, we will delve into the cognitive, physical, emotional, and social benefits of learning to play the violin, as well as how it can contribute to lifelong learning and personal growth. Cognitive Benefits When you [...]

The Benefits of Learning to Play the Violin2023-07-17T17:15:23+01:00

The History and Evolution of the Violin


The violin is one of the most beloved and important instruments in the world of music. With its rich, soaring sound, it has been an essential part of orchestras, chamber ensembles, and solo performances for centuries. But how did this iconic instrument come to be? In this article, we will explore the history and evolution of the violin, tracing its origins back to medieval Europe and charting its growth through the centuries. Early Origins of the Violin The bowed string instrument family, to which the violin belongs, has its origins in Asia. Archaeological evidence shows that bowed instruments were used in [...]

The History and Evolution of the Violin2023-10-06T11:21:34+01:00

Is it necessary to have prior musical experience to start learning the violin?


The Queen of All Sciences Let’s imagine that we would talk about learning maths without any prior experience. Recently, I have been thinking that maths is one of the most abstract studies. It sounds so silly, but it doesn’t exist, it is just in our head. Mathematicians are searching for the laws which govern the universe. Have we ever seen any numbers in real life? Definitely we can see the role of maths in physics where we can define gravity through equations amongst many other examples. In those cases there would seem to be something clear and definable with which we [...]

Is it necessary to have prior musical experience to start learning the violin?2021-10-19T18:28:26+01:00

How to choose a violin teacher?


The Start Finding the right teacher is probably one of the first challenges that every instrumental student will face. As I briefly discussed in the previous article, it is difficult if not impossible to learn violin on your own as a beginner and achieve a satisfactory level of playing. The challenge is not only in the complex violin posture with two completely different techniques in both hands, but also in performing many other musical activities at the same time, e.g.improving aural skills, sense of rhythm, learning music notation, and also awakening musical sensitivity and searching for your own musical taste. It [...]

How to choose a violin teacher?2021-06-09T15:10:38+01:00

Is the violin a difficult instrument to play?


The violin is known to be one of the most difficult instruments to study and play at a satisfactory level. I remember when as a young student after school concerts some family member or a friend who doesn't play any string instrument would ask me “How can you play violin without frets? How do you know where to find each note?” If only they knew that this is only a prelude to more complex business. Importance of General Musicianship in Playing Violin The amount of work and time needed may feel overwhelming at first. The beginner violin student must learn a [...]

Is the violin a difficult instrument to play?2021-05-25T07:51:01+01:00

7 Tips to help the beginner violin student succeed


In this article I would like to present my tips for beginner violin students. I appreciate that starting to learn an instrument may seem very challenging. The amount of work and time needed may feel overwhelming at first. To ensure that you manage your practice efficiently I would love to share my advice on how to start, what to be aware of, and where to look for help. I hope your musical journey will be truly inspiring and joyful. Find the Right Teacher To succeed in any field you need a good teacher and of course this applies to the violin. [...]

7 Tips to help the beginner violin student succeed2021-03-10T13:44:39+00:00

5 Easy violin pieces for beginners


I’m thrilled to welcome you on our wonderful journey through violin playing. I’m truly passionate about music and have always loved to popularise the beauty and power of art. Beginning to learn to play the violin is not the easiest part. Dealing with two completely different techniques that both hands must perform at the same time, as well as the unusual hand position, may be challenging even for professional musicians. Therefore it is important to be patient and kind to yourself while practicing. You will see most progress after enjoying the journey of systematic individual practice, instead of fixing your attention [...]

5 Easy violin pieces for beginners2021-03-10T13:45:40+00:00
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